Leadership Coaching

Why do leaders need a mirror?

The story goes that a golfer had a high view of himself. He had hit some great shots but never won a tournament. This kept going on year after year. He remembered the great shots but never made it to the winner's circle. He finally hired a coach.

What did they discover?

The golfer was defining his game by the few great shots and not the overarching state of his game. He needed a coach to hold up a mirror and help him see what was reality and not what he wanted reality to be. It was only then the golfer could truly reach his potential.

Welcome to leadership.

As leaders, we easily deceive ourselves. We make some good decisions, become successful but then seem to hit a plateau. Why? Because we end up living in the reality of those few good decisions. After some time, no one on the team is challenging us and speaking truth to power.

That's where I can help.

We'll look at the state of your organization and where you're trying to take it.

That will lead to specific mind shifts, turns and possibly doing things in a different way.

Leadership is my speciality, and I particularly enjoy seeing leaders grow.

Here are just a few of the ways I can help:

  • Growing as a Leader

  • Defining Your Why

  • Vision

  • Culture Building

  • Thinking Like a Leader

  • Resolving Team Conflict

  • Strategic Planning

  • Communicating Like a Leader

  • Training Your Future Leaders

  • Helping Your Team Speak Truth to Power

  • How to Coach a Team Member

  • Hiring

  • Releasing a Team Member

  • Defining Success

Let's get started today!